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People find out about our podcast by word of mouth. So last month we ran a contest encouraging you to tell your friends about our podcast.


Although the contest is closed, and the winner has been notified, we'd like to still encourage you to share Awareness Explorers. So to that end, we’re offering a PDF version of Jonathan's book, The Technology of Joy: the 101 Best Apps, Gadgets, Tools and Supplements for Feeling More Delight In Your Life to anyone who emails three friends about how much they enjoy our podcast.


All you need to do is copy us in the email you send to 3 friends (or family), and include a link to either our AwarenessExplorers website or our Apple Podcasts/iTunes page..


CC us at so we can send you the book.


The Technology of Joy.jpg

You may be wondering what to write. Well it's probably best that you use your own words, but it can be something very simple such as:




Dear Friends,


Lately I've been listening to a really great podcast called "Awareness Explorers." In the podcast, the two hosts reveal truly powerful methods for finding inner peace and a deeper spiritual connection. They also explore fascinating subjects around the ideas of spiritual growth and awakening, and include interviews with famous teachers such as Adyashanti, Byron Katie, and many others. Since I know you to be someone who is interested in spiritual development, I figured you'd want to know about it.


Of course, the podcast is free on iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, and most podcast apps, or you can subscribe to it and get a full list of the episodes plus over 30 guided meditations at their website: To subscribe, just look for the "Subscribe Now" button on the home page or contact page.


You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts (iTunes):


If you listen to an episode, let me know. I'd love to hear what you think and maybe we can even talk about the methods and ideas they reveal. Till then, have a Happy Holiday Season...




Thanks so much for sharing Awareness Explorers because, as we say at the end of each episode, "knowing yourself as awareness is the greatest gift you can give yourself or someone you love."!


Jonathan & Brian

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